Our Blog

Amalgam Fillings vs. White Fillings

December 16th, 2020

Many varieties of fillings are available at our South Hamilton, MA office. Most people are familiar with traditional amalgam fillings: those big silver spots on top of teeth. Made from a mixture of silver, tin, zinc, copper, and mercury, amalgam fillings have been used to fill cavities for more than 100 years. They offer several…
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Teeth Grinding

December 9th, 2020

It might seem like you’ve gotten a great night’s sleep—but why aren’t you well rested? Worse, why are you waking up with: A headache Ringing in your ears or an earache Pain in your jaw Worn or sensitive teeth Dry mouth or mouth and cheek injuries An unhappy partner who’s been kept awake all night?…
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???Tis the Season???for Healthy Dental Choices!

December 2nd, 2020

It might be the most wonderful time of the year, but if you’re dashing through the snow to an emergency dental appointment, you’re not feeling very jolly. And post-holiday, no one wants to start off their New Year’s Resolutions with “Get Cavities Filled.” How to survive the sweetest of seasons with enamel and fillings intact?…
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Don???t Let Craze Lines Faze You

November 25th, 2020

You’re getting ready for a night out, or you’re checking to make sure you removed every bit of spinach after eating, or you’re practicing your best selfie smile . . . and suddenly, you see something alarming in the mirror—tiny cracks in your tooth enamel! Is this a dental emergency? Almost always, the answer will…
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